Making a Dust Brush
By Curtis Turner
Round Rock, TX
I recently came across a shaving cream brush plug in a local woodworking store. Then it hit me -- I could make a dust brush for the camera I use to take the pictures each month for these columns. I have always wanted to make a shaving brush, but since I don't use a straight razor, that idea sat on the back burner. This was my opportunity to try this project.
CLICK HERE to learn how to turn your own dust brush:
I Went to Turner's Heaven
By Phil Colson
Atlanta, Georgia
In this classic Wood News article, Phil Colson recounts a weekend at the American Association of Woodturners National Symposium, where he and 1600 of his closest woodturning friends displayed their pieces, checked out the latest woodturning tools and gadgets, and watched as many of the 142 scheduled demos as possible.
CLICK HERE to read Phil's article and get inspired to attend the next AAW Symposium!
Mylands High Build Friction Polish
Turners love Mylands High Build Friction Polish shellac finish because its high solids content allows it to build quickly while drying almost instantly, permitting additional coats to be applied almost immediately. After wiping a coat of Friction Polish onto a smooth, sanded turning workpiece, (previously sealed with Mylands Cellulose Sanding Sealer if you wish), turn on the lathe and begin applying a heavier coat with increasing pressure, building and burnishing a smooth, high-gloss finish in a matter of minutes.
CLICK HERE for more info:
Wave 2" Starter Kit
Wave Hi-Performance sanding discs are highly durable open-coat abrasives that remain bonded, resist loading, and stay sharp longer than the competition. Unique to the Wave system are their "wave" discs, with crenellated edges that flex smoothly and virtually eliminate swirls & sharp edge cuts on the inside of turnings.
CLICK HERE for more info:
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